Saturday, August 21, 2010

Columbian Drivers

Climbing into a vehicle driven by a Columbian is not for the weak hearted. If you suffer from anything ranging from mild heart problems, motion sickness, to anxiety then this recreational past time is not for you.

In Columbia riding in a car or a bus stops being a means of getting from A to B and quickly becomes an extreme sport.

It's difficult to know who or what to blame for these raucous rides but there is no doubt you know exactly what you are getting yourself into when you step through the door and ease yourself into the worn seat.

Maybe it's the four lane freeways that don't actually have any lanes or it could be that Columbian have too much on there minds to be thinking about silly little things like road rules and personal safety. No surely it's that I'm missing the subtleties in the Columbian road rules. Didn't you know that the speed limit signs are meant to be multiplied by 4 and that you only indicate when you want stop in the middle of the road to re-tie the boxes of live chickens back onto the back of your scooter.

Taking a bus is equally as entertaining as it is spine jarring. Cruising down a steep hill and taking hair pin turns at more than 50km an hour one handed over dirt roads in the dark and in torrential rain while narrowly missing the commonly found landslide debris is all part of the fun. Don't fear though Columbian regulations means that you have to display your speed to the passengers, as a form of safety and security for the frightened cargo. So if you were already worried by the harrowing adventure at least you know that your driver is doing triple the speed limit while drinking his heavily sugared coffee to stop his eyes from closing at 4 in the morning.

Columbia, I love you but I don't really love your drivers. Roller-coasters are fun but not every day.

From Medellin with love,

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