Monday, July 5, 2010

1 day till lift off!


Well it's the 6th of July 2010 and exactly 1 day before I'm due at Kingsford Smith airport in Sydney. I'm pretty excited about this trip. A South American adventure.
So the basic itinerary is as follows: Mexico, Cuba, Panama, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and finally Argentina.
In this blog I will post my adventures and misadventures as I stumble through countries I've always wanted to visit. I hope you enjoy this blog and i look forward to hearing from you over the next four months!
Just as a note throughout the 1st month I will have limited internet access so if you dont hear from me that does not mean i have been kidnapped or have decided to stay beyond my visas in tropical Cuba!
Hope all is well. Blast off tomorrow at 1pm. Speak to you next from Sunny South America!
Mikey Fitz

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